Gender-based violence among young people: take our survey
Can you help us to understand experiences of gender-based violence?
We are asking young people aged 12 to 25 years and who live in South Lanarkshire to complete our short survey.
The survey – which was designed by young people in IAP’s Healthy and Happy group – asks about your knowledge and understanding of gender-based violence. It includes questions about precautions you might take to avoid being at risk and any experiences of gender-based violence you may want to share.
We understand there are questions you are not comfortable answering. There is no pressure to complete every question – please just move on to the next one.
Your answers will remain anonymous but will allow us a greater understanding of gender-based violence and its impact. They will also enable a report to be written that describes how people feel about and experience gender-based violence.
Find out more and take the survey here.
If you have any questions about any aspects of the research or survey please contact or you can contact directly.
Thank you for any help you can give us. Your views really matter.